Sunday, October 24, 2010

Son of a B*&%#!


read Frank Rich in today's New York Times...on the Opinion Page...

"What Happened to Change We Can Believe In?"

Published: October 23, 2010

It is an incredible article about the corruption on Wall Street and the enabling of that corruption by the Obama White House.

I wrote, in an earlier post, about the lack of investigations that have come out of this White House. I wrote about how surprising it is that, after all of the allegations of malfeasance that were leveled during the Bush/Cheney administration, there have been no commissions, no investigations, no trials and certainly no convictions.

Maybe none of the allegations would turn out to be true. Maybe they would all be found to be false.

In this country we are presumed to be innocent when charged with a crime. We are only guilty if we are convicted by a jury of our peers.

The unfortunate truth, grounded in human nature, is that once someone has been accused of something they can never redeem their reputation, never have their good name back.
Richard Jewell anyone...?

But not insofar as these allegations go. Not with these people. Not in this case.

So all we have are allegations of wrongdoing. We have Prosecutorgate and Abu Ghraib and Blackwater and WMD and the subprime bubble burst and AIG. We have charges being made but never being brought.

Holder is silent. Obama is mute. Waxman is MIA.

And after you read the abovementioned article you will probably want to scream. And if you don't, go and read Maureen Dowd, also on today's Times Op-Ed page. Her column about the Thomas-Hill affair will leave you speechless.

Where's the outrage? Where are the demonstrations? Where is the Populist rage?

All co-opted by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party in the name of "change."

Change. Where have we heard that before? Oh, I remember now...2008.

The place? Denver.

The event? The Democratic National Convention.

The speaker? Barack Obama.


I believed him. My little daughter believed him. He brought my wife to tears.

Now we're all crying.

"It ain't over 'til, 1) The Fat Lady sings, 2) 'til it's over, 3) the people who are in charge say it's over."

The people who are in charge will not say "it's over" until they have stolen every last cent from the Treasury, every last cent from every citizen, every last acre of land and every last ounce of dignity we have.

Well guess what my dear reader.

It's over.

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