Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Smell of Good Coffee

What the hell is our problem? What is wrong with a whole...collectively...the human race...?

"You don't miss your water 'til the well runs dry."

Just a catch phrase or an undeniable, empirical truth?

We run around, putting off until tomorrow, what we should be, in fact, doing today.

"I'll call him next week."

"I'll do it later."


What if next week or later or manana never actually showed up? What if he died or the deadline passed or the place had already closed by the time you got there? Then what?

Whatcha gonna do now hotshot?!

Seriously...what if the friend, who you were going to visit but then didn't...what if he or she died that day and when you called "later" or "tomorrow" or "the next time you're in town"...what if none of those future moments included your friend...because was dead?

You would never see him again. You would have blown your last, good chance to see hold talk to listen to love him.

The chances would be gone...forever. Not one more minute. Not one more time. Gone...Gone.

Better yet, what if this were your last day on earth? How would you spend it? What would you do?

Would you waste it on frivolity? Maybe. Would you complain about whatever it was that you were doing? Maybe. Would you choose to put "it" off until tomorrow...the thing that was important to you? Probably...

Or would you fill that last day with joy...with friends...with the experiences that you had meant to have but hadn't quite had the time?

We get busy. We prioritize. We choose expediency and convenience. We end up filling our days and our lives with the bullshit minutae of daily existence. Trash, dishes, checkbooks, leaf raking. We rarely decide to say "screw it" and bring a bottle of wine, spontaneously, to a friend's house and "waste" the afternoon laughing, reminiscing, loving.

We'll do it tomorrow or later or the next time we're in town or have a few minutes.

Well, tomorrow is today and later is now and a few minutes just flew by, never to return (this blog may be important to me...but you must have better things to do at this can read this after you've done them. I give you my if you need it. Go...finish this...later.)

Call him RIGHT NOW. Go see it RIGHT NOW! Read it RIGHT NOW! Say "I love you" RIGHT THE F#%* NOW!!

This may very well be your last chance. You never know.

What you do know, however, is that you absolutely, unequivocally, without question...cannot take "it" with you. Not the money, not the cars, not the jewels...not the memories, not the experiences...not the irreplaceable connections of our lives.

Whatever the hell it is that you have been putting off...DO IT RIGHT NOW!

Before it's too late...

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