Thursday, October 7, 2010

Control Freaks...

Here's a thought...

If the Republicans gain control of either the House and or the Senate next month there could be a silver lining for Democrats.

Two years is a long time in politics. During that time the Republicans, by virtue of the policies they would attempt to put in place, could very well exacerbate the problems that we face. In that case when the Democrats, Obama chief among them, stand for election or re-election in 2012, they will have current statistics to use to bolster their case.

Current is the operative word here. Doesn't it seem odd that the factors that led to the military and economic situation that afflicts us now had their genesis during the eight years of the Bush administration? And yet, the Democrats are having such a hard time convincing (reminding) the voters of that fact.

The economy tanked under Bush. We went to war(s) under Bush. OBAMA INHERITED THIS MESS!

But we are poised to give the Republicans(who, in large part, created the fix we're in)control of the government...again!

But...back to the silver lining.

Give 'em the keys back. Let 'em drive. Let's go over the cliff.

And then, when we're sitting in the wreckage...then maybe we'll "get it."

Then the Democrats...or the Tea Partiers...or some third party...will finally step up to reality.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Well is broke...and if we don't fix it...we'll be done.

Think about that in November.

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