Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rush Limbaugh is My Hero

Today is different. Today I stand up for myself. Today I blow horns!

Today I decided to take a page out of Rush Limbaugh's playbook and celebrate...myself!

I recently wrote, in this space, that it was difficult to understand how Mitt Romney, et al, could relate to the common man.

He comes from, and has always had, money. We now learn that one of the ways in which he made his money was to buy and sell companies and lay off hundreds, if not thousands, of workers in the process.

"Capitalism at its' grandest" some would say in defense of this system. The way it's done in the world of high finance and leveraged buyouts.

Fine...if you're already a millionaire and just looking for ways to get richer.

Not so fine if you're trying to put food on the table, a roof over your head and shoes on your children's feet.

But Mitt can't empathize with that. He never could and never will be able to do that.

And NEVER FORGET his remarks about what his sons were doing to serve their country when he was asked during the height of the Iraq War as he was trying for the presidency in '08.

No empathy there.

Now here's where the horn blowing begins.

Today's New York Times editorial page:

"The Corporate Candidiates

The more Mitt Romney pretends to empathize with the millions of Americans who are struggling in this economy, the less he seems to understand their despair. And the rest of the Republican field seems to have no more insight into the concerns of most voters than he does.

Mr. Romney claims his background as a businessman provides him with an understanding of the economy and the ability to fix it. His opponents — particularly Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Rick Perry — say their political experience provides the same advantage. In truth, none have offered anything but tired or extremist economic prescriptions, providing little evidence that they can relate to those at the middle or bottom of the ladder."

You heard it here first. I said it first. To quote Ali, "I'm the greatest!"

So... Where's my byline? Where's my name on the masthead? Where are the big bucks?

Oh...sorry. They're in New Hampshire chasing the Dough.

Get it? Bucks chasing a Doe...actually Fawning over them...?

Get it?

I'm so clever. I just love myself.



  1. I love it when you buck the system. It is almost stag gering. It is nice to know you are not in a rut but I don t want to horn in here.
