Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Non-Prophet Organizations

Full disclosure...

My beautiful wife, Mia, came up with the title of this post. She's a genius.


Camping trips can be fun. They can take us to far away places full of natural wonder. (Beautiful locations where we sleep in a bag, get eaten alive,
poop in a hole, drink Tang and get poison ivy.)

Or, as we saw over the weekend, they can take us...nowhere.

Harold Camping is:

1) A Lunatic
2) A Preacher
3) A Prophet
4) A Charlatan
5) A Lunatic
6) All of the Above

The tragedy is that the poor people (some of them really are poor now as they gave away all of their stuff in anticipation of "The Rapture"...)who actually believed Camping's prediction, won't see the nonsense for exactly what it is...nonsense.

They BELIEVE! There is no other way. No conversation. No dialogue in which one can be persuaded.

Dogma. Period. (I love the saying, "My Karma ran over my Dogma.")

I had a "conversation" with a man over the weekend who was a Fundamentalist Christian. What struck me more than anything was his complete faith and, in that context, his complete lack of willingness to LISTEN!

"If he wasn't talkin'", as a friend is fond of saying, "he wasn't listenin'"

I couldn't get a word in edgewise and, for those of you who know me, that was some feat on his part.

He yakked on about the Bible and truth and that he held the key to all knowledge.
The world would end and there would be "The Rapture" and all of us non-believers would be left in the dust.

No discussion. That would be what happened.


Wouldn't it be wonderful, a true Christlike miracle, if, when a prediction like last weekend fails to materialize, that the imposters and Wizards of Oz like Camping and his kind were exposed for what they are...CRAZY PEOPLE.

And their followers would see that and stop a minute to question the "word" and maybe allow for an alternative possibility.

But that's as likely as any of the other nonsense found in the Bible, an otherwise wonderful book. Albeit written thousands of years ago and open to interpretation mind you.

It'll never happen. People will continue to follow idiots and believe without examination.

After all, if Lexington and Concord are in New Hampshire then, dagnabbitt...they MUST be there!!!

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