Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lights, Camera, Action...!?

The scene is a wide shot of a hallway in the Capitol in Washington. People are milling around. Hill staffers are scurrying about on behalf of their Congressmen and Senators. The unbiquitous press is ready, cameras and mikes in hand, to snag a few words from someone in a position of importance and/or one of their surrogates. The sound is loud and full of echos, the sound of government at work.

Cut to a heavy wooden door with a plaque on the wall next to it. The words on the plaque are in soft focus, unreadable.

The door opens and a twenty something woman walks out. She is beautiful with a her blond hair neatly pulled back into a pony tail. She's wearing a pinstriped suit and a delicate gold necklace. She is carrying a stack of files tucked in her arms the way girls carry their books in high school.

She is followed by an older, gray haired man, who is obviously her boss. He is followed by a young man, also in a pinstriped suit, who is busy on his cellphone.

The frame opens to a medium wide shot and backs up as the three come toward the camera.

A voice is heard in the background, off camera. It is the agitated voice of a woman.

"Senator! Senator!"

Cut to a medium wide of a nicely dressed woman in her thirties. As she shouts, the people near and around her turn to notice her.

"Senator! My name is Roxanna Green...and you killed my precious little girl!"

Cut to a closeup of the older man, the senator. He is shocked. Cut to a medium two shot of the Senator and the woman as he stops in front of her.

"Senator. Because you have categorically refused to address the twin issues of gun violence and media controlled hate beautiful little lovely Christina...a jewel of innocence and beautiful darling lies dead in a coffin awaiting her funeral in Tucson. And did you know that Fred Phelps of The Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka is coming to picket her funeral? Did you know that the young man who shot her down in cold blood did so, in part, because of the hatred that has become so much a part of our society and political discourse?"

Cut to the senator's face, obviously affected by the woman's words.

"But, Madam, I abhor violence. My supporters at the NRA abhor violence. My friends at Fox abhor violence. I am...we are...all opposed ...vehemently opposed to the use of violence in the settling of disputes...except in the case of war and sporting contests...and political campaigns...and television advertising and entertainment."

"Sir, the hypocrisy of your argument takes my breath away. My daughter died because there are two standards in this country, supported by you and your benefactors. There is what is good for the wealthy and the powerful and then there is what is good, or I should say, bad, for the rest of us. You allow Right Wing talk show hosts and TV personalities to spew misinformation and venom on a daily basis without standing up to it with truth and civility. And, all the while, you line your pockets with campaign contributons and speaking fees from corporations involved with the very products that have created the hateful society in which we now live."

"But, Madam..."

Cut to two Capitol Police officers hurrying toward the camera. Cut to a wide shot of the policemen grabbing the woman by the arms and leading her away.

Cut to a reporter with microphone extended.

"Senator, do you have any comment?"

Cut to a three shot of the senator and his assistants walking away from the camera as people cross back and forth resuming their activites.

Fade of black.

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