Thursday, January 13, 2011

Katie Scarlett!!

President Obama spoke eloquently about moving past the hateful rhetoric that has become the currency of our national political debate.

I agree and will do everything I can to be more civil and tolerant.


But right last time before I go into political rehab...I have to say one or two last things.

Sarah Palin is...I can't even find the words. She is just...well...hateful.

The conventional wisdom is that, as with having a beer with "W"..."I'd sleep with her..."

I like a pretty face as much as the next guy, but Sarah Palin says such horrible things that hers is no longer pretty to me.

Everytime that woman opens her mouth I want to scream. She incites, in me, exactly the opposite emotions of those that President Obama was talking about in his speech yesterday in Tucson.

I'm having a lovely day...peaceful, calm, contemplative. Full of love and joy and optimism.

Then I see her name in print or hear her on TV.

Then I'm done for the day. I am so pissed off that I feel like smashing the television or running out into the street yelling obscenities.

I don't necessarily disagree with everything that she says or stands for. I just can't stand her arrogant, idiotic manner. She offends me to the core. She is an ignorant opportunist who has no business opining let alone running for or being the president.

I know I'll alienate some of my readers and empower her supporters by taking an anti-Palin stance but I'm willing to risk that. I just can't stand the woman.

I only hope I live long enough to see her disappear into political oblivion just like Dan Quayle, Trent Lott and a host of others whose rhetoric and manner were so polarizing and shameful.

So there. I'm good now. I hope. I hope I can kick the habit, if for no other reason than to honor the memory of the Tucson victims...especially the little 9 year old girl, Christina Taylor-Green.

Her death makes me think of my own daughter and then of all of the children affected by the decisions made by people like Sarah Palin.

I can't imagine what it must be like to be her parents right now. I just can't imagine it. I hope I never have to.

I love my daughter and I love my country but today...right at this minute...I hate Sarah Palin.

I'm sorry for that. I really am. I am better than that. We all are.

I'll try to do better.

But, in the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara,

"I won't think about that today. I'll think about that tomorrow."

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