Friday, January 22, 2010

Once Upon A Time

Two thoughts...


My wonderful daughter is 13 today. Amazing to think that she was born "yesterday"...tempus does, in fact, fugit!! I love her more than life and could not be more proud. She's a great kid.


The world is coming to an end.

I don't see any way around it. We, as a race (human, that is), cannot seem to get out of our own way. War, greed, pollution, ignorance, illness. You name the issue, we're behind the curve.

Now, not everyone is "tone deaf." Some people, very intelligent people, are leading the effort to turn things around.

The trouble is that no one is listening. The voices of salvation are being drowned out by the idiots to whom we have ceded the power. We have given it to Washington and Wall Street and Walmart and Disney/Goldman/Lockheed/Pfizer/Aetna and every other "special interest" group that purports to represent us either in government, the media or in the economy.

We have completely abdicated our own personal responsibility. We are self absorbed sheep being slowly led to slaughter.

Wow...that sounded harsh and unbelievably pessimistic...but what else can we assume is happening...and what else do we think will be the result of our inaction.

It seems to be over. All that seems to be left is the end...whenever that happens and in whatever manner.

Sure...we can hope. We can hope that the politicians will begin to think about what is good for the country instead of what is good for them or their party.

We can hope that the business community will begin to think about the long term management of resources instead of the bottom line.

We can hope that all of us will recognize that the planet is a closed environment and if we continue to rape and abuse it it will leave home and or hack us to death in our sleep.

We can hope...but that seems to be all we can do at this moment. That is because we put our futures in the hands of others, so-called leaders in whatever sphere (business, government, religion, sports, the arts) rather than taking it upon ourselves to define our outcomes and work toward goodness and health for everybody...not just a select few.

I'm not advocating insurrection or revolution or anarchy. I'm advocating responsibility and a community view...what's good for everybody...not just "me." (I know, naive and utopian...that's why I'm so depressed about it...)

And forget about Barack Hussein Obama...he's as full of it as a Christmas turkey, interested in his own image and place in history. But he's no different than any other politician. Says all the right things before the fact and reneges afterwards...just like some guy trying to get into some babe's pants..."will you still love me tomorrow...?" Thank you Carole King. (I voted for him and would again...was in Denver when he accepted the nomination...hope he can change...after all that's what he endlessly promised...change, change...CHANGE!!!!!!!....JEEZ!!!!)

Yeah...we can hope. We can hope for a peaceful die in our sleep.

I just hope my 13 year old angel gets all the way through her glorious life before it's all over...and all of her terrific little friends too.

I'm only asking for 90 to 100 more years. See! That's exactly what I'm talking's all about me...what about 101 years from now...what about those people...!

One can only hope.

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