Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Frankly Scarlett...

If I was depressed the other day, today I'm almost suicidal.

I listened to Keith Olbermann's editorial on Justice Roberts' Supreme Court's decision to allow unfettered campaign contributions by corporations.

We're doomed.

We've surrounded ourselves with so much absolutely necessary stuff that we will never again be able to function without it. We have allowed ourselves to become slaves to modern commerce and the way in which goods and services are rendered.

We really don't do much of anything for ourselves any more and we are so busy making ends meet that we are really not paying attention to the big picture.

And we have been programmed to margainalize the people who are walking up and down the sidewalk in sandwich boards proclaiming "The End is Near."

Funny (not really) thing is that it is near.

A handful of individuals own most of everything and a handful of corporations control almost everything and politicians are so busy worrying about the cost of election (and re-election) that they have forgotten what the hell they're doing in Washington in the first place. Keith's great fear is that government will become a purchased commodity. As if it isn't already. Can anyone say Joe Lieberman...?

Who among us can chop wood or bake bread or grow or make anything? Maybe a few gentlemen farmers having "stress relief time" on the weekends but imagine having to do it all of the time, all year long. Never...and without an iPod no less! Won't happen and forget about getting Junior to help. Impossible. Gotta go to the mall!!!!

So here we are. Screwed. But I guess it's all the media's fault...especially Keith Olbermann.

All he does is complain. First about "Mission Accomplished", then about Alberto Gonzales and now about the Supreme Court.

Just another naked sandwich boarder (at least not a water boarder, if you know what I mean...) proclaiming gloom and doom.

I, for one, am not laughing at him. I really don't know what to do. I'm paralyzed.

Maybe I'll just watch a movie.

Yeah, maybe I'll watch "Gone With The Wind."

I won't think about it today.

I'll think about it tomorrow.

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