Thursday, January 10, 2013

What 'Piers to be the Problem?

I'm sorry but I just have to speak up here!

Apparently there is a petition circulating to deport CNN host Piers Morgan back to The UK.

Has the Right completely lost it's mind?  Have they gone over the bloomin' edge (a Britishism there...)? Are they completely crazy?

The man is simply speaking his mind about gun control.  He is not advocating the overthrow of the Republic.  He is not talking about an armed insurrection (quite the contrary...)  He is not suggesting revolution.

He is using his "bully pulpit" to express views shared by millions of people, worldwide.

No one is calling for the removal of any of the hosts of the Fox News programs for their pro gun positions. To hang your hat on the fact that he is a British citizen misses the point and obscures the issue.  Who cares where he's from if all he's doing is voicing an opinion? Tourists do it all the time about rip off cabbies and crumby restaurants.  You don't see the INS or Border Patrol knocking down their overpriced hotel room doors.

Firebrands and blowhards on the Ultra-Conservative side of the argument are SCREAMING about the Second Amendment.

How DARE they complain about someone exercising their FIRST amendment right.  No...he's not an American Citizen but there is something intensely hypocritical about people proclaiming democracy as the best thing since sliced bread for peoples enslaved by tyrannies yet not ok for someone who disagrees with their views.  Freedom of Speech is a HUMAN right...!

Shame on you for using the tragedies in Sandy Hook as a tool to further your own career and political agendas.

Be a part of the solution not a force for continuing the lunacy.


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