Monday, March 12, 2012

Hold Your Horses

Ok...wait just a gol durned minute. Slow it down Pard.

Hold yer damned horses...!

Let's just take a New York Minute to rethink this whole election thing.

Suppose, for just one moment, we contemplate electing any one of the four remaining
men currently running for the presidency as Republicans.

Put aside the idea that four more years of Obama could, all things being equal, actually be good for the country.

An easing of gas prices and unemployment, a draw down of troops in Afghanistan and a resurgent economy.

That is possible given current trends.

But if we elect Willard, or The Saint or His Pompousness or The Other Guy we will get, potentially, 8 years of their lunacy instead.

And maybe some good stuff, you never know.

And that would put off the inevitable until 2020.

The inevitable you ask, dear reader? And what might that be you wonder?

Why Jeb Bush, of course.

The sole and only bona fide reason that Jeb ain't runnin' and the GOP is straddled with this field of not-quite-so-exciting candidates is that the powers that be have decided that it would be too soon to run another Bush for president.

It is not that long ago that we were graced with George and Dick and Don and Alberto.

We may have the attention spans of house plants but I really don't think we've quite yet forgotten the Adventures of W, or Shrub as the late, great Molly Ivins called him.

So to put Jeb up for the nomination would have certainly energized the Democrats and even some disaffected Republicans and insured Obama's re-election.

So, why take the chance? They've decided to cut their losses and throw this one to Barry. That way, in 2016 Jeb can run. It will have been 8 years since the Era of Mission Accomplished/WMD/Prosecutorgate/Abu Ghraib/Katrina/TARP/Scooter.

We will have forgotten all of that by then. We will be so sick and tired of Obama that we will do, in '16, exactly what we did in '08...only in reverse.

In 2008 we would have elected Mickey Mouse had he been running. We were fed up with 8 years of Bush/Cheney and we yearned for "Change" we could "Believe in."

We got that change. But it seems as though all that really changed was not the color of the house but the color of its' occupant.

Other than that we continue to have questionable policies and questionable politics.

So...Romney/Santorum/Gingrich/Paul for President. It doesn't really matter. Any one of them will lose to Obama ensuring Jeb in '16...who will win.

The Bushes always win. Maybe not every election.

But make no mistake about it.

Just ask Saddam Hussein. Or Manuel Noriega. Or Al Gore. Or Dan Rather.

They always win.

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