Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Daddy...can I?

The problem is not on Wall Street.

It's on Main Street.

Probably not a popular position but stay with me. The protestors trying to occupy Wall Street are a tad misguided, in my view.

I understand their frustration. They see gabillionaires with their yachts, mansions and trophy wives and cars. They feel disenfranchised with gas at almost $4.00/gal. and a sour economy with few jobs available.

But it really isn't "Wall Street's" fault.

It's the fault of the voters and therefore their elected representatives.

Think of it this way. If a kid comes up to it's father and says, "Daddy...can I have some candy?" and the father says "Sure...but don't eat too much", what do you think will happen?

The child will eat candy until it can't eat anymore. Then the child might throw up all over the new carpet and/or become obese in the bargain.

Who's to blame here? The kid? I think not. The fault lies with the father. He should have exercised more judgement and let the child have only a little bit of candy.

What did he think the child would do? Did he really think that the kid would only eat a little bit of candy? Did he actually think that his child would stop eating after only a few bites? Did he think that junior would "self police?"

Actually...did he think at all?

We elect people who will say anything to get elected. The only people they listen to, once they are in office, are their sponsors, their donors, their benefactors, their puppetmasters.

Those who pay control the game. Not us. We think we have a voice but we really don't. We are given two choices and we elect the one whose PR firm has done the best sales and marketing job (or Black Ops job...)

So Wall Street is simply doing what any of us would do. It's human nature. They see opportunities and they try to maximize them.

If you told any of the Wall Street protestors that you were going to give them a raise at their job, is there any one of them that would say, "No thanks. I make enough already."

Are you kidding? They would take the raise and be thrilled with the extra money.

And they would buy yachts, mansions, trophy wives and cars.

The protestors should aim their rhetoric where it belongs.

In the mirror.

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