Monday, August 15, 2011

Don't Forget The Facts


I have created a Facebook page entitled "Don't Forget The Facts."

It is a page designed to remind the reader exactly who is responsible for the mess the country is in right now.

The Republicans, during the upcoming presidential campaign, will attempt to persuade the American people that Barack Obama is responsible for the Wall Street crisis, high umemployment, economic degradation, war and a host of other troubles facing us as a nation. It's all his fault.

The Facebook page is devoted to the fact that the problems we face were caused, in large part, by George W. Bush and the Republicans in Congress.

Three simple facts:

1) In 2000 the average price of gasoline, nationwide, was $1.65

Now it's $3.65

2) Unemployment was at 4.2%

Now it's at 9.1%

3) We were at peace.

While it may be true that Obama is responsible for some part of what's happening it is more true that he has been trying to clean up after 8 years of recklessness by the Republicans in Congress and a Republican administration.

The Wall Street "Meltdown" occurred on Bush's watch and it was his Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, who provided us with TARP. And Bush's father had it right when he labeled Reagan's policy of "trickle down" as "Voodoo Economics." Too bad his son was more concerned with one-upping his father than with the economic welfare of the nation.

The Wars in Afgahnistan and Iraq were begun by George Bush, the former with some justification because of 9-11, the latter under dubious conditions. Bush's father had it right, again, when he stopped just short of Baghdad. Again, too bad that W. needed to prove something to "The Old Man" at the expense of our children soldier's lives.

And keep in mind that for the past three years the Republican leadership, as well as a majority of the rank and file, have done everything they could to get in Obama's way, never offering solutions only putting up roadblocks.

The Republicans have shown a naked concern for political gain and an obsessive drive to take control of both Congress and now The White House. They seem more concerned with taking power away from Obama and the Democrats then they do with the everyday concerns of average American citizens.

So, please go to "Don't Forget The Facts" on Facebook and "Like" it of you agree...and pass along the information.

Don't let the Republican Party or the Tea Party hoodwink you into thinking, even for a moment, that Obama is the sole cause of the problems that we face.

He's not. The Republicans created these problems with their cries for "No Taxes","No Regulations" and Nation Building in pursuit of oil. And now they are trying to pin the results on Obama.

Not fair, not true and NOT OKAY!

Don't let them get away with it...again...

Learn and remember the truth of the recent past and then decide.

And one more thing while I'm at it and all riled up...!

When they label Obama a Socialist ask them if they like knowing that when they call 911 someone shows up...and fast! If that's Socialism then I, for one, am all for it!

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