Tuesday, June 7, 2011



TWIT...1) One who sends sex pictures on Twitter thinking no one will ever know. 2) Anyone who uses Twitter.

And again I ask, What The F#*K!?

I shot an interview with Anthony Weiner a number of years ago for NBC News.

He was charming, self-effacing and friendly. He even let my daughter, then 8, and her friend, conduct an "interview" of their own. He was a genuinely nice guy.

I liked him and I liked the positions he took publicly about this or that policy or political matter.

He seemed like a viable answer to the idiots in Washington who were promoting bad things for this country.

He seemed like the real deal.

Now we come to find out that he is just like all of the rest of those jerks who can't keep their private parts out of the public eye.

And what is up with the lying? Richard Nixon set the best example ever. You do a bad thing and then lie...? You're done! Finished! Kaputsky!

And, time and again, people will tell you that it's not so much the deed but the lie and attempted cover-up that is so bad.

So Anthony Weiner carried on an alleged affair and sent pictures on Twitter.

Number one, what sort of a moron sends lewd pictures on the Web thinking that the pix will remain private? And, number two, what sort of a moron lies about it after getting caught, thinking that he will be the only person in history ever to get away with it?

Apparently someone like Congressman-For-The-Moment Weiner. (I just wish he had run for President with someone named Bill Schnitzel. Can you imagine the fun with that ticket? "Weiner-Schnitzel in 2016. A hot dog on every grill!")

If he had just said, "my bad" the event would be over. One, maybe two news cycles.

But NO! He had to lie. Now he's gone.

But he can take heart (not Gary Hart though...we all know what happened to him after his "Monkey Business...")

After he is forced out (he said he "welcomes" a House invesigation. Yeah, right... just like a condemned man "welcomes" the noose...) he will probably get a talk show on Fox like Eliot "Mr. Bordello" Spitzer on CNN. A spot has opened up after Glenn Beck's departure and another might become available if Sarah "The British Aren't Coming!" Palin actually declares her candidacy.

As if they don't have enough jackass commentators already.

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