Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sheep's Clothing?

I've been bothered by a nagging question since shortly after the Election of '08.

Did we have the wool pulled over our eyes? Were we hoodwinked? Is Obama a wolf in sheep's clothing?

I was in Invesco Field the night Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination to run for the Presidency of the United States. I was 100 feet away from him. Many people were in tears. There was wild cheering. There was palpable excitement and an electrifying sense of the possibilities for the future.

After eight very long years of the Bush/Cheney nightmare, Obama offered the chance to redeem ourselves on the world stage and to become, once again, the great country that had been built by our ancestors.

But what happened seems to be a different tale.

Obama said he'd close Guantanamo. He hasn't.

Obama said he'd extricate us from war. Not only hasn't he done that but he doubled down in Afghanistan and got us involved in Libya.

Obama inherited Bush's Wall Street meltdown, fair enough, but then hired some of the very people responsible to "fix the problem."

Obama spoke out against government overreaching but then extended the Patriot Act.

Obama decided not to investigate any of the allegations of criminality that may have occurred under the previous administration.

Obama decried the problems that could occur from too much exploration for oil and natural gas but then authorized the expansion of drilling off the coast.

President Obama came along at a time when we were depressed and in despair as a nation. Ronald Reagan 2.0

He offered hope and "change." He promised us a return to civility in government and an approach that was above partisanship.

He said that we were not a "Blue" State or a "Red" State but the "United" States of America.

We would have elected Mickey Mouse had he run. Instead we opted for the fairy tale that Obama and his proselytizers offered.

Elect Barack Obama and everything will be alright again in America.

Elect Barack Obama and The United States will return to the era of prosperity, pride and pre-eminence.

What we've gotten, instead, is the same old, same old. Another greasy politician concerned only with the power of the office, his own importance and in taking care of his benefactors.

We believed and we got slammed.

But what do we expect when we are more concerned with Anthony Weiner's underwear then we are with the core state of the Union and the intricacies of the policies and choices being offered.

We got what we paid for and too bad for us if we didn't read the expiration date.

The milk is bad. Deal with it...

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