Thursday, June 23, 2011 a hole in the head!

Are you kidding me?

Oh, you're not.


I'll bet you a tank of gas (regular only, in New Jersey or Massachusetts...) that if/when you voted for Barry you assumed that he was against the idea of drilling for oil in Alaska in the ANWR...The Artic National Wildlife refuge. The very same idea for which Bush/Cheney was so roundly lambasted by the Noisy Left.

You thought that, right? Well, guess what.

Yup. The Big O has proposed drilling for oil domestically as a way to offset the high price of crude and to stem the dependency on the consumption of foreign oil.

Now I'm not sure whether or not this means exploration in ANWR but I'm damn sure that the whole concept is anathema to weaning ourselves from the use of fossil fuel as our primary energy source. Can anyone say "Energy Policy?"

We use a lot of oil and coal and those resources will eventually run out, not to mention the pollution that is a by-product of their use.

We don't seem to care about the development of viable alternatives. Solar, wind, hydro, geo-thermal. No serious effort or funding seems to be underway to create a cost-effective use of these, and other, technologies and to develop a domestic market.

We continue to rely on oil and coal. We pay more and more at the pump and for home heating oil. We are thrilled when we get a gallon of gas for under $4.00. I remember the day, not that terribly long ago, when a "dollar's worth" meant something. It meant you could drive your "Chevy to the levee" and get in some damned good necking! Now a dollar would hardly get you to the next gas station...across the street!

Now we seem to be content with spending a good portion of our weekly income on either gas for the car or oil for the furnace.

And, again, I say... these resources will, eventually run out!

Today it was announced that we will be tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to compensate for the unrest in Libya ( a "war of choice", if you haven't forgotten...)

Wonderful. So if we really need those reserves in the case of a true national emergency, we won't have as much. Then what?

When are we going to get it? When are we going to awaken to the fact that we must change our energy consumption habits and policies while we still have the means to transition. We can't afford to wait until the horses are out of the barn to shut the door!

But back to Barry. More and more he seems to be the opposite of what we thought he was.

First Guantanamo, then the Afghanistan War surge and now drilling. And it's really hard to read his troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as anything but a political move.
He "got" Osama (some would say in contravention of international law...) but he needs the insurance of "bringing the troops home." Who's cynical there...?

What a disappointment.

And we thought there would be Change. The only "change" we have are the coins in our pockets...a few nickels at best.

The Who said it best:

"Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."

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