Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Keeping Abreast of the Situation

Let's talk cleavage.

Not your garden variety, everyday, ordinary cleavage. Let's talk the gold standard.

The quality of cleavage in Cannes is astounding. Young, old, fat, thin, black, white, French, German, Spanish, is the United Nations of cleavage here.

And the beautiful 80° weather supports a full on presentation of goods. This is NOT a film festival...this is a cleavage fesitval!

The 62nd annual Cannes Cleavage Festival with entries from all over the world. Who will get the Palm Door...?

Well, the answer to that question is...only someone with a boatload (the yachts are obscene...but would not be so characterized if I had one...) of disposable income at their disposal...

Princes in their Mercedes motorcades, playboys in their Ferraris, retired CEOs in their huge Audi SUVs...those are the guys with access to the cleavage. They paid (or inherited...or stole...) their dues and so now they get to promenade in Le Croisette with a pair on each arm... actually not on each arm because the amount of silicone keeps our friends aloft even without the benefit of a gentle Mediterranean breeze.

So...come one, come all (no pun intended.)

Visit Cannes...

But is not for the faint of heart. The scenery is blinding.

And we ain't talkin' palm trees here Pal...


  1. Got much sexism, pal?

    A Prickly Situation

    Let's talk pene.

    Not your garden variety, everyday, ordinary penis. Let's talk the gold standard.

    The quality of the penis in Canne is astounding. Young, old, fat, thin, black white, French, German, Spanish, is the United Nations of Penis here.

    And the beautiful 80 degree weather supports a full on presentation of goods. This is NOT a film festival. It is a penis festival! Who will get the Palme d'or?

    Well, the answer to that question is...only someone with a boatload....(The yachts are obscene...but would not be so characterized if I had one...)of disposable income at their disposal.

    Princesses in their Mercedes motorcades, playgirls in their Ferraris, retired CEO's in their huge SUVs...those are the women with access to the penises. They paid (or inherited...or stole...)their dues so now they get to promendade in Le Croisette with a sperm donor on each arm...actually not on each arm because the number of enhancement devices keeps our friends aloft even without the benefit of the gentle Mediterranian breeze.

    So...come on, come all (no pun intended.)

    Visit Cannes...

    But is not for the faint of heart. The scenery is blinding.

    And we ain't talkin' palm trees here, pal...

  2. My sincere apologies to those who took a straight man, I tend not to look at peni...but respect those who do.
