Saturday, May 2, 2009


Now I don't want to seem hostile or unsympathetic. I am a civil libertarian at heart and certainly believe in the individual's right to self-expression. Furthermore I think that the government spends too much time telling me what to do and how to do and out of the bedroom.

But I have to draw the line.

It is spring now and soon it will, hopefully, be summer (unless we all perish from either the flu, shame at wearing those silly masks or self-induced madness at adopting the OCD behavior of incessant hand washing. What if I meet the it bad form not to kiss his ring...?)

With the lovely months comes the inevitable motorcycle.

"Motorcycles are Everywhere" goes the bumper sticker. Whoopie!!

And that's the problem. Not the occasional Honda or Kawasaki or the trendy Vespa.


The Harley Davidson. The Harley. The Chopper. The Hog.

Who declared that this motorcycle has to sound like the Third Armored Division on manoeuvers?

Damn they can be loud.

To be fair (I don't really feel like being fair, but in the interest of fairness I'll pretend...), not all Harleys are loud. Only some of them.

And those are LOUD!!

Too loud if you ask me (which you didn't but this is my get your own.)

I'm sitting at a table at an outside cafe enjoying the company I am keeping. Interesting conversation. Good tea. Gentle breeze. Love is in the air.

And then...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here they come...not one, although it is sometimes only one that seems like many...but five or ten or twenty.

Road Trip!! Rally!! Yippee! Yahoo!! SHUT UP!!

One day I'm going to drive down the road with a loud speaker system strapped to my car and blast Wagner (not the Mayor silly...the composer...) at 100 2am...for an hour...!

Take that you leather wearing, Fu Manchu mustache sporting, chain-driven wallet owning, insurance salesmen Harley riders...and your large-breasted, leather vest only wearing, iPod listening sissy bar holding-on-to babes...!

And all of you Hells Angels...!

What noise...?

Who said anything about noise?

Have a nice day...

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