Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Lesser of Too Evils...

Mitt Romney?

You have got to be kidding.

Please, God, tell me that he's not going to be the nominee. Please!

Mitt Romney, absolutely and unequivocally, represents all that is wrong with modern society.

I have no problem with someone changing his mind. I do it all of the time. Chocolate? No, Pistachio. Pacino? No, De Niro. Italy? No, France. I am forever changing what I think. It all depends on the situation and whatever new information I have that may influence my position. It's called "using my intellect." I try to while others don't.

By no means am I the next intellectual "Coming" no stretch of the imagination. But I exercise my mind enough to know that I don't even come close to knowing everything and, if I maintain a stance for, or against, something solely based on old data then I consign myself to the trash heap of failed analysis.

I have two words for you, Dear Reader: Christopher Columbus. Now, while he did not, in fact, discover the New World, he helped reframe the conversation about the shape of the planet and people began to realize that it was round and not flat.

New information helping to define a new way of thinking.

But Mitt Romney doesn't change his mind based on new and better information. He changes it for reasons of political expediency.

One minute he's pro-choice (when he's running for governor in Left-leaning Massachusetts) and the next minute he's pro-life (when he's trying to garner the support of the evangelical base while running for president.)

One minute he's for healthcare mandates (when he's running for governor in Left-leaning Massachusetts)and the next minute he's lambasting Obama for proposing the exact same thing (when he's trying to garner the support of "Death Panel" adherents while running for president.) By the way, lest we forget, Obama's mandate concept was developed, in large part, by examining the new information found in Romney's Massachusetts model. So there!

One minute he's talking about the "American People" and the burdened (and disappearing...) Middle Class (when he's trying to garner the support of the "American People" while running for president) and the next minute he's proposing a $10,000 bet to Governor Rick "Raise My Salary While Millions Go Down In Financial Flames" Perry to put to rest, forever, the issue of his (Romney's) healthcare mandate in Massachusetts, showing a total and complete insensitivity to the "American People", many of whom don't even make $10,000 a year (when he's trying to garner the support of the "American People" while running for president.)

So...Mitt Romney is full of baloney. He's not an intellectual powerhouse who sifts through information in order to find the best possible answer to any given question.

He's a politician (NO....REALLY...who knew...?!)

And so are the others running for the Republican nomination. Gingrich, with his overwhelming ego. Perry with is preaching. Bachmann with her non-facts. Huntsman with his...uh. Huntsman? Who? Remind me of who Huntsman is, exactly? Santorum with his inflexibility. Paul with his wierd ideas. And his two first names. President Paul? President Ron? Help me here...

They are all so unacceptable they are frightening. But so were the Bushes, pere and fils.

And we elected them. And don't bore me with the sloganeering about how neither Bush was "our president." Our laziness and inaction elected them as much as if we had voted for them outright.

President Romney. Another blow-dried, French speaking, White, European, clueless multi-millionaire trying to convince us that he "understands" us and knows how to "fix" our problems. Just like he did as chairman of Bain when he bought, and cannibalized, healthy companies and laid off thousands.

And don't EVER forget what he said, in response to a reporter's question, about what his sons were doing to serve their country during the height of the Iraq War:

"One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping to get me elected.”

Tell that to the widows, orphans, parents and friends of the dead soldiers who came home in pine boxes through Dover.

Your arrogance and cowardice are too much sir.

You don't deserve to be president.

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