Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Love Denis Leary, Part II

Merry Christmas!

That sums it up.

Traffic. Too many people. Shopping. Did I mention traffic?

It starts on Labor Day. Christmas songs at the gas pump. Holiday lights still up from last year. Anxiety about what to buy and not having enough money with which to buy it.

All of that said, today is the beginning (and almost the end...) of Christmas as far as I am concerned. Christmas Eve.

When I was little, Santa Claus brought everything on Christmas Eve after I'd gone to bed. The tree, the lights, the presents. He ate the cookies and drank the milk. Christmas morning was unbelievable.

The glow of the lights around the corner before seeing the tree, all decorated and surrounded by gifts of all sizes and shapes.

Christmas. "It's Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS...!"

Now it's reduced to "SALE...50% off at the register." And you can't even say the words without some jackass calling you politically incorrect for doing so. Screw you and the sleigh you rode in on, you reindeer's ass!

I'm not the only one who feels this way. Almost everybody does. It just ain't the same as it was when we were kids. And while I'm at it...where the hell is the snow!? At least in Southern New England...we ain't got no snow. What is up with that! I may be dreaming of a white Christmas but so far all we've got is brown...! When I was a child we went sledding or skating on Christmas.
Now we mow the lawn!

And on top of it all comes the unfortunate claim that The Salvation Army is anti-gay. Now the pennies in the pot go to a "charity" that, allegedly, promotes hatred, bias and discrimination, however indirectly.


Just what we needed. The idea that a group that does good in the community, especially at this time of year, is accused of being narrowminded and exclusionary.

Never mind that you can get designer jeans with the tags still on them for 1% of what you would pay for them at retail. The store is a part of the organization and now they are tainted. Besmirched. (Great word, besmirched. Say it again. Besmirched. Very satisfying.)

Too bad.

But it's par for the course. Most of what we think turns out to be lies anyway.

Send our kids to war for good reasons?

Nope...mostly lies.

Elect the best of the best?

Nope...mostly cowards and crooks.

Trust our leaders?

Nope...mostly pedophiles.

Allegedly. (and slightly exaggerated for effect...)

So, in the wonderful words of the genius, Denis Leary:

"Merry Christmas."

And to all a Good Luck!

We sure as hell need some.

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