Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Washington continues to demonstrate that it is totally out of touch with the needs of the American people. Every day we hear something else about the dysfunction in Congress and the polarization of our political process.

Not to mention scandal after scandal...on both sides of the aisle. Senator Ensign, Governor Patterson, Congressman Massa. The list seems endless.

How about a solution, you ask?

Well, try this one on...

Term limits.

I know, I know...it's been brought up before but to no avail. No wonder. It's like asking the fox to guard the chicken coop. The powers that be don't want to give up their positions and perks and the vasts amount of money that they make after they retire and become lobbyists.

What I mean is a different sort of term limits. Self imposed term limits. The kind that the candidate puts on himself. What we need is a new class of politicians who are willing to only sit for one term...because they want to...not because it was imposed upon them.

They vow, during their campaign, to serve only one term in their seat...The White House, The Senate, The House of Representatives, The Governor's Mansion, City Hall. Wherever. They sign a contract with their constituents. Really. With consequences. Monetary consequences.

One term.

This way they will not be beholden to the leadership in any branch of government. They will just be able to either vote the way their districts want them to or...wonder of wonders...their conscience.

Conscience. There's an anachronism for you. What politician have you heard of recently who has one? Not very many, if any at all.

And while they are at it they will vow to only take small money donations. No big money contributions. No PACs. Just $5 and $10 from little contributors.

That way the stranglehold of corporate and wealthy individual campaign donors might be loosened.

One term. Small money.

Maybe that way we'll get our government back.

After all, the philosophy of our system works. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the separation of powers and state's rights.

All of it was beautifully designed and has been systematically dismantled by people of questionable ethics and marginal morality.

"One term. Small money" Can't you just see the bumper sticker?

The question is...who's got the nerve (or the true passion for this country...not lapel pin BS) to go first?

Candidacy anyone...?

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