Monday, March 15, 2010

I Miss You Dad

Keith Olbermann's father died Saturday.

Mine did 1977.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. I would give up everything I own to spend one more day with him.

My Dad was a smart, funny, handsome Man's Man. And I've never known anyone as honest.

Born in 1905, he worked hard but never had a life of consistent ease, except when he was young in Washington, D.C. He was a rich man's son and the grandson of a famous man.

He went to an Ivy League college and could have been a professional golfer (hitting in the low 70s with hickory clubs and dead balls) but his father wouldn't allow it.

He had one failed marriage but had my wonderful half sister. His second marriage, to my mother, was full of emotion, not always good. He lost my sister when she was only 6 and I was a handful, as was my mother back then.

But my Dad was always full of love and good humor and taught me the most important thing of be honorable.

Now that I am a father I see him through experienced eyes. He led by example, both what to do but, almost more importantly, what not to do.

I have tried to live my life as a reflection of both of his parts. I have tried to do what he did that was right and just and good. And I have avoided those things that came from fear and self doubt.

I have not always been successful but, just like my Dad, I've tried.

I loved my Dad. I love him still. He was a wonderful man and a good friend.

I miss my Dad. I always will.