Monday, February 9, 2009

So Nero and yet so Pharoah

First of all let me coin a word...


Those geniuses who, on Sunday mornings, tell us what we need to know and think. And I do mean geniuses. You don't get smarter than Paul Krugman (Nobel Prize winning, Princeton Professor/Economist Paul Krugman...yeah, that one)

Now, as a self-appointed member of the Sunditocracy, let me offer the following:

What the F...!!!

Unemployment going higher. Jobs disappearing. Houses in foreclosure. Banks in near ruin.


And all the Idiocracy in Washington can do is fiddle around. 800B is too much (Krugman says not enough...) 800B is too little. Obama blew his first legislative foray. Obama rocks. The Republicans are obstructionist. The Republicans are taking a very risky, heroic stand. The Democrats are in tune with the people. The Democrats are sound asleep.

What is going on? Barry ran on a platform of change. "Change you can believe in!", he intoned.

We wanted change. Change from the "interesting" choices made by the Bush/Cheney administration. Change from the perception of arrogance in government. Change from scandal and incompetence.

So what do we have?

More of the same stupid partisan fighting and the same turf wars (animals pee on their territory to tell other animals what's what. Not too far along the evolutionary trail are we fellas...?)

The people we elect continue to give us the same mediocrity that we have been putting up with for years.

The brilliant bankers screwed up the vaunted financial system of the US.

The vaunted minds in the Pentagon (non-military mind you...) have delivered us endless conflicts in regions that hate us more now than they did before we "rescued" them.

The elected officials who campaign on their ability to "understand" the common man have passed laws that are putting us on a fast track to the Stone-Age (we may very well beat the Iraqis and the Afghans there if we're not careful.)

The environment is collapsing.

The celebrated CEOs of the corporate world have given us products we don't need as they contaminate the environment and reap billions from the us while sipping Dom from diamond slippers on their Lear (I don't mean the King...although that would be poetic justice...) Jet "business trips" to Belugaville. These clowns make the ancient Egyptians look like amateurs.

Legend has it that Nero played the violin while Rome burned. Is no one in government or industry unaware of the idea that you can only go so far? The people will only take so much.

I have four words for Washington and Wall Street...

"Let them eat cake."

Didn't work for Marie...

Won't work for you...

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