Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ok, so the Jews have been persecuted for centuries. And we will never forget The Holocaust.


But what is going on in Gaza? Civilians? Schoolchildren? What...?

Here's what. The Israelis are trying to rid themselves of the terrorist threats and actions that effect their country. The Palestinians are trying to assert themselves in a situation in which they feel powerless. After years of suicide bombs, threats, war and occupations, first Hezbollah and now Hamas is being treated to the retaliation of the Israeli military.

But at what cost to Israel? The Arab world and other more Jewish-friendly people are crying out for the war to stop in Gaza. The condemnations of Israel are loud and furious.

But Israel will continue until they have made their point. Which is...

Well, maybe that they are powerful. Or that they won't be intimidated. Or that they will be acknowledged as a legitimate member of the community of nations.

It's been over 60 years since the creation of Israel. Wars have been fought and many people on both sides of the conflict have suffered and died. Maybe it was the wrong thing to do at the time.
Maybe it was wonderful. Whatever. But that was then and this is right now.

And maybe it's time for the Palestinians to realize that Israel will never go away and for the Israelis to understand that the Palestinians deserve to live in peace and dignity.

The moderate and peace-loving people of the Arab world must rise up and say enough. They will never forget what has happened to their people over the years but they must advocate for peace.

And the Israelis must demand of their leaders that a durable peace is negotiated just as they memorialize the sacrifices and efforts of their ancestors. They must settle only for peace as well.

But how many people will have to die before the leaders decide to co-exist in harmony.

How many more children will have to grow up as orphans, if they grow up at all, before the killing stops. On both sides. Perpetrated by both sides. Stoppable onlyby both sides.

Enough is very much enough. Just stop. Cut your losses. Leave each other alone and get on with the healing. It will take generations but you have to start.

"A journey of many miles begins with a single step..."


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