Thursday, December 25, 2008

If the Shoe Fits

What do you mean George Bush lost jobs? George Bush has created jobs! That's an indisputable fact.

A couple of weeks ago a courageous Iraqi journalist threw not one but two "size 10" shoes at President Bush while he was appearing in Baghdad with President Nouri al-Maliki.

Courageous because now he is recovering from an alleged police beating while in custody.
Who knows what else will happen to him.

But his act, understood in parts of the Muslim world as a sign of profound disrespect, has garnered him enthusiastic praise from much of that same Muslim world. I guess a lot of Muslims are not too happy with President Bush and are not showing him the respect he almost got in St. Paul.

The journalist, Muntader al-Zeidi, has become somewhat of a folk hero and there is talk of reducing his sentence or releasing him uncharged or pardoning him (for hopefully more than one day...)

But there is other activity going on as a result of his actions. Apparently Baydan Ayakkabicilik San. & Tic., the Turkish company that manufactures the style of shoe that Shoeful Muntader threw has had so many orders for the now famous shoes, that they were forced to hire a slew (about 100, but in this economy, let's not quibble...) of new workers to help fill the orders.

So who says President Bush hasn't created jobs during his tenure in The White House?

Imagine what would happen if someone threw a Chevy at the President. Now that would really help Detroit now wouldn't it...

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