Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Politicus XIII

It just occurred to me that this whole Conclave business is a front for politics as usual in the Red State Vatican.

I say Red State because all of the cardinals are dressed in red with red yarmulkes...a fact that I
find just a little bit strange given the Catholic Church's centuries long weirdness with the Jews.
Or they're all Communists...

But the fact that the world's cardinals are in the process of voting for a successor to Benedict seems a bit odd considering the magnitude of the job.

Isn't the spiritual leader of one of the world's great religions supposed to be, sort of, one step away from God? 

Isn't the Dalai Lama some special case that appears to the multitudes as a human manifestation of the essence of the Buddha?

Isn't the head Rabbi the one who is the descendant of Moses?

President Obama is the leader of his party and, at the moment, The United States.  No one suggests that he has a direct line to the Lord.  Neither did Eisenhower or TR or Monroe.

They were mortals who won elections because more people voted for them than for the other guy.

The Pope is seen, the world over, as the channel to God.  He makes declarations and millions follow without question.  The faithful wait for hours and sometimes days to catch a glimpse or hear a word.
To have an audience and to kiss the ring is considered and honor available to only a select few.

I was always under the impression that the Pope is some divinely inspired individual chosen by God to represent Him on Earth.  I never saw His Holiness as just another politician in women's clothes, having illicit sexual affairs in secret, engaging in cover ups while all the time schmoozing for votes. 

But here we come to find out that the Pope becomes the Pope by virtue of back room deals and glad handing politicking reminiscent of the cigar smoke filled corridors of Chicago's wards and New York City's Tammany Hall. WWJD?

Boss Tweed.  Lyndon Johnson.  Joao of Brazil. 

An ambassadorship?  Vote for Joao and get a sainthood instead!  To hell with chicken!  Joao will put a miracle in every pot...!

Whoever gets the white smoke will probably be the one with the best ground game and the most effective organization.

"E nomini Patri, et Fili e PAC sancti..."

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