Monday, April 25, 2011

Dear Friends, Fans, Loyal Readers and Detractors Alike

"Where have you been?" some might ask.

"What gives, oh Great Pontificator?" others might wonder.

"Yo!" my hip readers could say.

Well, to be honest with you( lie straight out...) I haven't had much to offer.

Now I know some of you will comment that silence or ponderance is not my strong suit but, really, I haven't had much to offer to the debate as of late.

What with a third war in Libya, high gas prices, endless winter, the budget "debate", idiots running for President, The Royal Wedding (4am...? Yeah, RIGHT!..I wouldn't even get up that early for my own wedding...) and Donald Trump, I have been dumb struck.

What can you say, after all? The world has gone mad...absolutely crazy...certifiably loony!

Oh and let's not forget Japan and their meltdown which is actually their revenge on us for Hiroshima...

There is nothing to do but plant tomatoes, love our children, hope for a sunny day and pray for mercy when Judgment Day arrives.

We're doomed and no one seems to notice. Frogs in the pot of hot water...

Answer these questions:

What would you do if this were your last day on Earth? How would you spend your time? Who would you spend it with?

They're good questions.

And they are worth asking because the homeless nut with the sign that reads "The End is Near" doesn't seem so crazy after all.

Time's a wastin'...go have fsome fun...

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