Tuesday, March 22, 2011

To Tell The Truth

Garry Moore. Kitty Carlisle. To Tell The Truth.

What would happen if we brought the show back, but instead of interesting people pretending not to be themselves we had heads of state and government leaders pretending not to tell the truth.

In the first place the activity would be easy for them. They have a lifetime of practice. How else were they either elected or appointed? By lying at every turn that's how. There ain't a George Washington among 'em. Never mind that the whole cherry tree thing is a fable. But old George's image has gotten a pretty good ride out of the notion that he could "never tell a lie."

Not so for the recent and current crop of criminals. Lie after lie after lie. That's what our government is built on now.

Gone are the days of having but "one life to give." Gone is the sacrifice.

What we now have is a group of weasels all looking for the largest constituency of voters. Tell 'em anything to get elected and then do what you damn please...or the bidding of your corporate sugar daddys which is much more likely.

Gone are the heroes of the original United States. What we have now are draft dodgers, corporate pimps and blown dry pretty boys without enough spine to be considered anything but wimps, pure and simple.

Just tell the truth! And please, start by telling the truth about our adventures in warmaking around the world.

First Afghanistan, ostensibly because of 9-11.

Then Iraq, ostensibly because of Saddam.

Now Lybia, ostensibly because Qaddafi is murdering the opposition.

We don't really care.

Where were we in Bosnia? Where were we in Rwanda? WHERE ARE WE IN DARFUR?


Just tell the truth. For once. Then maybe these wars would be as popular as World War II was. By the way...why is the "coalition" in Lybia being referred to as the "Allies?" That word evokes WWII. Maybe that's why. The organizers want to be associated with the image of that war and that generation in this latest lark. It's because those that involved us in that war were heroes and our leaders now are cowards...that's why.

WWII was about Adolph Hitler. The truth was told. The war was a success.

Vietnam was about rubber. The truth was not told. The war was a failure.

The Gulf War was about Saddam threatening the Saudis. The truth was told. The war was a successs.

Afghanistan is about oil. The truth was not told. The war is a failure.

Iraq is about oil. The truth was not told. The war is a failure.

Lybia is about oil. The truth is not being told. The war will be a...

Just tell us the truth!

Stay tuned...

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