Wednesday, May 19, 2010

OK...Now What? the big day is in the past.

Voters went to the polls and...

Well, what did they really do yesterday?

They decided to exercise their constitutional right to "throw da bums out!"

But on behalf of what, really? Do we think, for an instant, that anything will really change in Washington simply because we have a few new faces?

It's not the Senators or Congressmen who matter. It's ultimately the lobbyists and the corporate titans who control everything.

And as far as I am concerned, the only way to create real change in this country (and therefore in the rest of the world...) is to really change the system.

That doesn't mean electing a new bunch of idiots to replace the old bunch of idiots.

It means sending people to Washington who only care about one thing; fixing the mess we're in.

And the only way to have that happen is to take the status quo incentive out of the equation.

TERM LIMITS!! But not legislated term limits...that's a non-starter. We need people who want to go into elected government who are willing to stand up and declare, before God and country that, if elected, they will only serve one term. The President, both houses of Congress...everybody. Just one term.

Then the lobbyists would have absolutely no power. They wouldn't be able to influence our elected officials because our elected officials wouldn't care if they got re-elected. The lobbyists money would be meaningless. And the NRA would shrivel and die...

And the elections should be funded only by the people. No corporate money. Just small donations and individual donors. And ads should only be on the radio. And the "debates" too.

Who cares what they look like? We should only give a damn about their ideas...regardless. Right wing ideas, left wing ideas, moderates, radicals...whatever. "What's your idea about how to fix this problem sir?" "I think we should...blah, blah, blah"

If you like the idea, elect the man. So what if he's fat or bald or wears clashing patterns...or sleeps with his secretary or his secretary's husband. Do you like the idea? Yes or no...period. Now vote. Gorgeous almost got us John Edwards and we now know that he is a liar. Would not have been a good choice. Virile (?) got us W.
Look how that turned out. Beautiful got us...well the jury's still out on beautiful...

Self imposed term limits. Individual donors. Radio.

Otherwise the Merry-go-Round will continue to turn and we'll be tossing out the new guys in a couple of years.

Meanwhile the Gulf will be on fire, Goldman will be exploding with profits, our schools will be crumbling and we'll all be dying of diseases that we couldn't afford to prevent, either at the hospital or by virtue of research.

Oh, and by the way, we'll all be wearing gas masks made in China.

Hope you like Moo Shoo...

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