Saturday, July 14, 2012

Business as Usual

And now come revelations that Willard may have lied.

NO!  Say it ain't so!  NOT WILLARD!

Not the squeaky clean, Ken Doll, Mr. Perfect.

What part of "He's not a good choice for the presidency" don't you understand?

Willard Romney is the son of a rich man who lives, and has lived, a life of luxury and irresponsiblity (for his actions...) for his entire experience.

He went to private schools, avoided the draft and has made his money the old fashioned way...on the backs of the average Working Joe.  And I don't mean that abomination, "Joe The Plumber", trotted out by Grandpa and Ditzy in the last campaign.

I mean the real McCoy, the genuine article.  Men and women who get up each morning, kiss their spouse and kids goodbye and march off to build roads and houses and teach our children and fight our fires and police our communities.

Willard made his money by buying and selling companies and throwing people out of work.  Never mind the idea that the companies he pillaged were failing and that he, allegedly, created jobs in the process. 

Those companies were just pieces on a game board to be moved around in order to make a buck.  They didn't represent real people with real hopes and dreams.

His decisions ruined real lives and created havoc in the families of the real people who lost their ability to earn a living, provide for their loved ones, find purpose and contribute, meaningfully, to society.

And it is those real people Willard seems so hopelessly out of sync with. He wants to lead a country of real people while he, possibly, avoids taxes by taking advantage of loopholes and off shore accounts and lives a life incomprehensible to 98% of the American people.

Most people don't have millions of dollars.  Most people don't have several homes.  Most people don't quit a good job to work for "no compensation." Most people don't bully weaker kids at prep school. Most people's children serve this country by joing the military and PUTTING THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE, not by joining a political campaign designed to get their father elected president! Most people are not as privileged as Willard.

Most people work hard and understand the consequences of their choices.

Willard doesn't seem to.  He seems to be used to getting what he wants, when he wants it and in the manner in which he has always been accustomed.

"A tarnished sliver spoon leaves a very bad taste in the mouth."  Wise words from a wise man from a time of honor and integrity long ago forgotten.

Willard is unfit for the presidency.  He would be better off working for the Olympic Committee again.

Maybe this time he could help with wardrobe.  Working for the Chinese...

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