Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ten Hut!

On the other hand what do we expect?

President Obama has a problem with General McChrystal.

But it's not the way in which The General characterized the White House.

It's with the disconnect between theory and practice.

Once again we are confronted with a civilian authority planning and ordering a military operation and then having the professional soldiers carry it out. And then being miffed at the way in which the pros behave...

"Those who do, do, those who can't, teach" to which Uta Hagen replied, "Only those who can should teach" or something to that effect.

It is recently, in our system of government, always those who never have who order those, who in fact have, to prosecute a war.

It's like a medical student telling a junkie what heroin addiction is all about. It's fine on paper and in a textbook...but try a needle in the arm, pal, and see how easy it is for you to overcome your addiction.

The General may have been "indiscreet" as Maureen Dowd said, but, again, what do we expect?

These are soldiers. Tough as nails, bourbon drinking, prostitute engaging, entrails eating muthas!

They are trained to take BS from nobody. They are, literally, trained to "take no prisoners." We expect them to be tough. We want them to be tough, or to paraphrase Jack in "A Few Good Men", we "need them to be tough"

After all they are doing the job few of us want to do. Just like the migrants in the fields and the immigrants in the washrooms.

They do the dirty work we don't want to do so we can enjoy our lattes and BBQs...and SUVs (while we're at it)

So they talk like soldiers. So they disparage the "clowns" that tell them what to do.

They ARE soldiers and in most cases their "superiors" ARE clowns!
(Do you hear that Mr. Atty General...?)


If you're going to fight a war...fight it to win!

Learn to swear. Learn to shut the f%$@ up! Learn to love entrails...

With a little Tabasco they ain't half bad. Especially washed down a with a snort of
Maker's Mark.


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